Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Rev. Bobette Stubblefield

Rev. Bobette, a former state Pageant winner, is an accomplished writer, teacher and public speaker. Her focal point is bringing to life the written Word of God and truly transforming it into "living oracles" applicable to each individual. Her goal is to teach people how to be real with one another, real with God and to stir up that passion in all of us for the Living Word.

She is adamant about breaking free of tradition and doing things a certain way because "that's how they've always been done". She believes God is bringing in a new sound, a fresh Word and new revelation. The drama she presents is original work created specifically for that season.

Pastors Jesse and Bobette who live in the Cairo, GA area have two sons, Michael and Matthew, two grand-daughters, Eliza and Breanna, and a grand-son, Alex.

Check out Jesse and Bobette's for information on how to purchase Bobette's plays.
David's Offering

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